Five myths about promotion on Instagram |

Instagram is on the list of the three most widespread social media in the world and is the main source of income for active bloggers. In order not to fly out of the followers' feed, find out which methods are working now and which are myths.
Over the past few years, Instagram social media has undergone a fundamental transformation. A small mobile app for posting new photos has become a full-fledged blogging platform with the ability to upload large texts, record videos and even conduct online broadcasts to communicate with followers directly. Consider which Instagram promotion methods are no longer working, and which ones will lead your blog to fame and popularity.
Instagram allows you to post the best shots and videos from your life in the form of posts that hundreds and thousands of people around the world can see. The smartphone program is endowed with many useful functions: taking photos, recording video with sound, processing content using built-in filters, creating collections of media content.
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What is the Instagram promotion for?
In the global rankings, Instagram is listed in the top three along with Facebook and Twitter social networks. The app which users love helps not only to share news from their life and communicate with friends, but also to earn money. Some bloggers have promoted their account to such an extent that now their social media profit is their main income. The number of business accounts is also growing: companies are starting to build communication with potential customers through social networks.
Ways of promotion on Instagram are constantly changing and modernizing, so only those who follow the trends and adjust them to the new ones in time are getting profit.
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Myth #1. You should use proven technology for promotion.
Recently, there have been many online schools that teach Instagram basics from scratch. These are Netpeak, Epicstars, Best Insta School and others. Following experts' advice on promotion, bloggers are trying to use the tools that once worked for others. But successful cases of other social media users aren't a guarantee of achieving the goal. Return on popular chips can be absolutely zero.
The fact is that a successful move is quickly replicated and becomes massive. Because of this, it begins to flicker everywhere and annoy followers. So it happens that SMM specialists teach people things that will no longer interest them, but, on the contrary, will annoy them and cause unfollowing.
For example, mass-following are still used by many people. However, now they have become accustomed to the daily flow of mass subscriptions from spammers and stores. Therefore, Instagram profile owners very rarely check who followed them, and this method practically doesn't work.
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How to be?
It should be borne in mind that now users love everything new and unusual. Therefore, when promoting your account, it makes sense to use not popular trends, but those that are only gaining momentum and aren't used by all Instagram bloggers.
Ariana Grande masterfully manages her account promotion. Almost every new song is accompanied by a video teaser.
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Myth #2. Nobody reads long texts.
There is a widespread belief that only vivid pictures attract followers' attention and they don’t look at captions. In fact, even a banal selfie requires a clever caption with meaning. At the moment, on Instagram, the text component of a post is important no less than a nice picture.
Now many users follow new bloggers in order to receive unique and interesting content. Topics such as parenting, psychology, household tips, recipes, etc. are very popular. Thus, for some authors, the picture plays only a supporting role, and followers like to read and comment on texts.
How to be?
A blogger should publish only a literate content without grammatical and punctuation errors, and the use of catch phrases out of place can spoil the impression even from a professional photo. Each bloop is perceived by followers as negative and can cause unfollow.
Content should be useful.
The inspirational caption to the post that has meaning will bring a good effect, even when the photo isn't very attractive. If you can't write interesting posts, you need to improve your skills. Sign up for copywriting courses or hire a professional copywriter who will prepare texts on a given topic.
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Myth #3. It's necessary to post more often, so as not to remain forgotten.
Publishing more than three posts per day from one account is impractical because it will annoy followers. Inflate content to flicker more often in the feed is a failing path for your blog. Posts without content with a good morning or good Friday wishes will be swiped down. An Instagram blogger can wait for massive loose of followers if he publishes many posts with dubious information value.
How to be?
Publishing other people's pictures in big quantities is also not worth it. Today is appreciated unique content. 1-2 posts per day are enough to save impressions in followers' feed. If there is nothing to write, then it's better to remain silent and gain new ideas, in order to please people with catchy content. It's better followers will be afraid to miss useful posts from you.
The owner of 5.2 million followers Elsa Hosk places from 1 to 3 posts per day.
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Myth #4. The key to success is in visual consistency.
Beginner Instagram bloggers post photos similar to each other, processed in the same style, always with the same filter. Semantic loading of the enhanced page goes to the second plan. The blog gets a “sleek” style with a uniform color gamut but loses unpredictability.
The desire to use "one size fits all" model sometimes leads to the opposite effect. If all photos are processed by one filter indiscriminately, it may be out of place. Excessive enthusiasm for editing photos may disappoint readers.
How to be?
The uniformity of shapes and colors can't be a compelling reason to follow your account. When viewing a feed, followers catch an element of surprise. They often like “real”, not staged photos. Therefore, emphasis should be placed on diversity and individual style. Select a photo-filter taking into account shooting conditions, frame aspects and features of the central object.
Over time, Instagram bloggers come to the one-style of photo editing, but it manifests not in the processing by the same filter but in less noticeable nuances. For example, clear skyline, an architectural composition of the frame and the maintenance of symmetry.
For commercial accounts, it's important to monitor the quality of images. If you haven't a full-time specialist, it's better to call a professional photographer. He will help to make good photos and choose a single visual concept for the design.
Blogger kieraplease always makes bright recognizable photos in the same style
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Myth #5. Guaranteed ways to increase the number of followers — like time, giveaway, and SFS
Like time is a massive hearts exchange; SFS — mutual advertising in posts or stories; giveaway — drawing a gift for mentioning an account on own blog. These tools are used by both beginners and advanced Instagram bloggers. Sometimes they work but more and more often they become a cause for irritation among ordinary people. When they are asked to share a post for the hundredth time, tag a friend, or are invited to take part in a contest, but they never won, although it was very hard to like and repost ... This really causes dissatisfaction.
Don't think that your readers are fools, and they can be easily deceived, disguising as a draw a massive attraction of new followers. Almost everyone already understands that this way Instagram blogger create free self-advertising. Even if they don't write about it constantly in the comments, this doesn't mean that they don't feel false. Disguise the desire to get followers with the phrase "I want to get to know you better" is unlikely to succeed.
How to be?
Don't make your blog a breeding ground for distractions for social network users. It will be useful to hold such events from time to time but you shouldn’t make gross mistakes, for example:
- Post a carousel of a dozen photos with the "follow" text and without much explanation by what things your followers have you hooked.
- Delete the results within a couple of hours after publication.
- Arrange a dubious lottery with irrelevant gifts in the form of likes or cards.
- Ask to follow several profiles at once, tag some friends in the comments, etc.
If Instagram blogger started SFS, he should take this action with high quality and with full responsibility. Don't grieve your followers, understand their expectations. According to the rules of good tone, your post should contain the most useful, interesting content and be in the profile for at least 24 hours.
Prizes for participation in competitions must be valuable, for example, as shopboxfox did:
Some will argue that these methods help to quickly attract some followers which are successfully used to increase audience activity. Yes, you can follow the principle "in war all means are good" and go right through. For someone, it's normal to grab any chance to create a mention of your account. But the readers who are following this are less and less every day.
Never abuse the trust of your subscribers. Educated people won't write anything in the comments, they just silently turn around and leave, or rather, unfollow your blog. Come up with your own methods of promotion. For mutual advertising select bloggers with a similar target audience. Arrange mutual projects, marathons in order to attract new followers organically. Remember, Instagram is a high-quality platform where you can become very prosperous, but for this, you need to manage your profile very well.