Instagram bots |

All actions of such specialists are based on three pillars: total number of likes, total number of subscribers, and total number of comments to publications. But not always a trio of likes, comments and subscribers is a key to success of your account, not everyone, presumably, explains all pros. It’s so because of smart tape. Moreover, as a rule, they pull any account down and harm promotion process. And the reason for this is not so much in number, but as the aforementioned trinity. Instagram likes only living users those are real people who sincerely like this or that profile.
In appearance, it seems that this problem is contrived: everyone has own account. In this account, a person eagerly posts moments from life and accompanies them with nice in his opinion signatures and hashtags. But dispassionate statistics has a different opinion: out of more than 400 million Instagram accounts, over 8 percent are fake, and another 30% are inactive (they often do not have a photo, an avatar, full profile information, they are created for looking at others or for the less decent cases. So, we get more than 150 million user accounts, which suggest likes, subscriptions and comments those only harm promotion.
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So, let’s identify the main enemies of a successful Instagram profile in more detail.
Instagram bots
Under the bots automatically registered (with some special programs) empty accounts are meant. They actively click likes, write comments and subscribe to various profiles. For sure, automatically. They regularly overtake real people in terms of the amount of Instagram traffic they generate. They often carry viruses and malware (the number of such exceeds 28 percent).
It is not surprising that the use of bots for profile promotion is recognized by Instagram rules as unethical, and this system fights them as best as it can. However, with variable success: "killing" of some bots leads to other generation, and there is no end to it.
Fake accounts, in terms of the purpose of creating them, have a lot in common with bots, but visually they, as a rule, look more plausible. A fake profile is full, an avatar is installed, there are several publications (taken from the Internet), many subscribers (from the same bots) - in fact, fake is a bot on steroids. For even more realism, attackers can hack accounts of real people and use them for their own evil purposes.
How to remove inactive subscribers
The presence of such profiles is not an exclusive problem for Instagram: the same is observed absolutely in all social networks. And it is possible to identify a fake everywhere in similar way: if you suspect that some account is fake, you must search photos available there by Google images. It will be seen immediately where definite content is taken from, and the conclusions will be formed corresponding. You can also use statistical developments: it is estimated that any fake profile has 41 subscribers per 1 subscriber. Not necessarily exactly 41, but the order of the ratio is clear.
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If there are many fakes coming from somewhere, it is advisable not to deal with them manually, but use specially created programs that clean your account. There are many of them, the main thing is to have a desire to understand.
How to check any Instagram account on bots
We should also refer the situation in which an account was hacked and turned into a fake. On Instagram or on other social networks, you must notify Instagram administration as soon as possible immediately after detection. For avoiding the delay of response, it is recommended to ask several more people to send a similar complaint.
Offers stand out in a list of enemies in Instagram – these are live users who offer to help in promotion of the profile by their own profiles for a fee. They find subscribers, click like, write comments – but only until they are paid. However, they still are able to be useful, but when an offer stops to receive money, he turns into an ordinary dead weight that does not contribute, but only interferes the progress.
How to remove inactive followers
In principle, since a person still has a proposal, he is able to work out his money. If a company account is only created, such a collaboration can draw attention to the profile, even bring it on top recommendations. But – only for a while.
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Exactly this trinity of maximum harmless tools (and mostly very unhealthy) is already offered by already mentioned Internet promotion professionals. We can easily observe the results of their activities: who among us has not seen a profile with more than 100 thousand subscribers, but under each photo there are a maximum of two dozen likes and, at best, a couple of unintelligible comments, often from offers or bots.
What to do?
So, we warned you enough. And it is necessary to distinguish fakes /bots / offers not only to maintain your profile “purity”, but also in the case of advertising ordering and cooperation in general.
It is believed that the most reliable way to identify such accounts is manual. Using common sense, any account owner can examine each of its subscribers / commentators and evaluate the following:
How many accounts he subscribes to and how many followers he has. Live people usually have an approximately equal ratio, but bots has strong advantage in the direction of subscriptions.
How to check instagram account for bots
Total involvement
As already mentioned, a live publication author with thousands of subscribers cannot have a couple of dozen likes under it. You can figure out that every tenth like puts, in the worst case - hundredth. But not the one per 100 thousand.
Personal contact (by correspondence) is possible if an advertising agreement is concluded. You must request profile statistics from the intended counterparty – and if he has nothing to hide, he will provide it. Especially if we are talking about celebrities who have registered their account on Instagram as a business profile.
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Of course, even this approach will not give one hundred percent protection from bots, fakes, and offers, especially since new ways to deceive Instagram appear so frequently. But you must remember the most important thing: this network itself does everything to be as helpful as possible to people. And this means that high-quality content, a serious approach to promotion, love for work, and efforts, will never be replaced by bad promoters’ work.