Difficult ways to unfollow bots and a simple one using SpamGuard! |

Difficult ways to unfollow bots and a simple one using SpamGuard!
Instagram is a great platform that allows you to promote your products and services. The advertising and promotion of your brand is very fast. But in order to continue to be effective, you should constantly unfollow bots — inactive users, and sometimes even outright spammers. If you allow them to interact with your account, then nothing good will come of it. There is practically no use for them. Real people and, most importantly, useful and necessary business partners will start to leave you. Therefore, it's necessary to get rid of bots periodically. They are the most unpleasant weed in the field. So what is the best way to do this?
Psychological techniques to attract and persuade your audience
Inconvenient methods
The main way is to block bots manually. This option has an obvious benefit because it can be easily performed, and is available to everyone. But there are much more cons. This is a tedious routine. According to Instagram limits, 10-15 accounts are blocked per hour, and you are going to manually do it all days, especially if you have thousands of them. Agree that this is at least irrational, not to mention the fact that it will require continuous access to the electronic device and the Internet. And, finally, the main drawback of manual blocking is that it's not always possible to identify bots correctly. More than once you will be very upset and surprised after blocking the "bot" and subsequently receiving sanctions. So why live in the Stone Age and create unnecessary problems for yourself and people? You should immediately look for effective ways to automate.
The activity level on Instagram is better than the number of followers.
However, let's make a reasonable reservation: if your account is just starting to develop, then such a “small and inconvenient” method is quite suitable. But in the future, get ready to give it up and move on to something more reasonable, if, of course, you really want to deservedly develop an Instagram account for cooperation with serious business partners.
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Basically, the second option is the “smart” branch of the first. You are trying to manually determine the mass-followers. Namely, check how many subscriptions have the account that follows you. If there are a lot of subscriptions and for indirect reasons, it's clear that he is a spammer, first of all, you need to delete him. That is, here we are talking about a reasonable definition of the "most harmful" bots. You can do this, but still, this method isn't very effective.
The third option. Just in general, we will attribute here everything that is not included in the rest and fits the main criterion — paid services. That is, you pay people for the fact that they perform the necessary task. Transfer your work to others. Well, it has always been important for any work, at all times, and not just means clearing accounts in social networks in the XXI century. But the drawbacks are obvious. Firstly, sometimes you have to pay a lot of money. Secondly, not every performer is a professional, you can often come across amateurs or outright fraudsters. However, for a decent payment, and if the partner has a proven reputation (and there are such people), the service will most likely still be excellent for you. But is it worth your money? Moreover, periodically? If there is a good alternative? Hardly.
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The next option is theoretically very tricky and smart. You need to ask your own active users (which you know for sure that they are real people) to help you with this difficult task. In principle, it's possible that this will be useful, but not everyone agrees to be a free assistant, and in general, this approach looks pretty silly in the 21st century when there is automation on the Internet.
How to use SpamGuard correctly
The right choice at the moment is exactly the SpamGuard service! With it, you can easily get rid of unwanted followers in just a few mouse clicks!
SpamGuard focuses on quality, not quantity, which is an important value. In this case, the cleaning takes place automatically. It's just enough to configure the necessary tasks.
Wrapping services on Instagram
Using this service, you can:
- delete bots;
- remove spammers;
- just get rid of inactive and unnecessary accounts;
- unfollow profiles that were not mutual.
Once again, we remind you that the account "cleansing" is absolutely necessary; only genuinely interested people should remain your followers for fruitful development and new advertisers. The news feed should also be thoroughly cleaned, from where unnecessary accumulated garbage is removed. The following list should have only those accounts that are really useful for you!
Using SpamGuard isn't difficult at all.
Firstly, pass the usual registration.
Your account will get a personal tab in SpamGuard.
How to find out and delete inactive followers?
Then again, with the help of the platform, will be launched your account analysis. Special SpamGuard algorithms will find all spammers, inactive followers, etc. However, you shouldn't be afraid that someone you need will be deleted by mistake. You can always set up confirmation of the necessary actions. Then simply delete those users who you don't need, and after that, you can promote your account!