Ways to communicate with users: tips to building follower relationships and making interactive Instagram content |

Indeed, an interactive content may have various purposes but they hold one thing in common — improving statistics and increasing account activity. An interactive post is a powerful tool for moving your blog to top positions.
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General recommendations
As a rule, users like to watch videos or view photos on a certain profile much more than to read posts. So, the first thing to perform is to make them know about your “Stories” section interactivity.
Creating a bright catchy look poster that will stand out among many other publications. The audience will appreciate your intriguing inscriptions, such as "Draw of prizes", "Liketime" or any other. Although, this must be done directly on your photo.
In addition to the rules shown here, there is a request to like a poster and follow the initiator. In addition, you need to update your post before the comment.
In order not to bother followers, don't make each post interactive.
Warning them about limits on likes and comments, as this is fraught with a ban.
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SFS, Liketime, and Spamguard
Ways to engage followers
The purpose of all methods lies in gathering as many likes and comments as possible in a short period of time and having time to save them.
Instagram is good for big accounts as well as for bloggers and their followers.
What should be done? First, make a “Participate” message. Secondly, periodically repeat this text. Thirdly, you must like the most active participants. Usually, Liketime takes about five days.
In order to significantly increase coverage and followers engagement, the blogger will have to work hard, namely, to promise a prize, a service, a discount, or, if necessary, a short article about the winning follower.
The giveaway allows you to get so many comments that they can exceed the average value hundreds of times.
The giveaway can be held in different ways.
Option 1
It means that followers, if they wish, of course, write a sequence number and mention their friend. The random number generator will determine the winner. The users' activity and the prize determine the giveaway duration. Usually, it takes up to ten days.
Option 2
Instagram followers write three comments so they were consistent. A follower who will be the leader and in addition won't make a mistake, will be named the winner and will be awarded a worthy gift. Such giveaways take from one to six hours.
Option 3
The giveaway is held among all those who have written comments on any topic. For example, the winner will be that user who left the hundredth comment. The giveaway duration is no more than one day.
Provocative and popular topics
In this case, you need some courage. Although your audience prefers to discuss outstanding events or news, there will always be haters who sprinkle the poison. In addition, there is a danger that the blogger opinion will be too radical for the audience or, conversely, differ from it.
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Be in trend
It's necessary to follow the unfolding of events in politics, economy, culture, medical care, housing and communal services, or in any other area. Many questions cause emotions and people are willing to talk about them but not more than for two days.
Thanks to the polls you can get a lot of comments. You just require to keep a dialogue, while not forgetting to answer the user who wrote. Each person wants his opinion to be heard and was actually mattered to anybody. Along with this, an Instagram blogger can explore the audience, which will be useful in the future. The term is a couple of days.
A person's personal life has long been of interest to followers, even more than public news. Why not take advantage of this? You can acquaint readers with your life in the form of a game.
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The "10 facts about me" topic
How interesting is this interactive content? The blogger publishes facts about himself, and out of ten two facts are false. The user who will be able to separate the first lie from the truth will be the winner and, of course, will have some prize.
Why not share your achievements with readers? You can tell them in a simple way about your birthday, business success, reaching a dozen, one hundred or more followers. Of course, readers will not disregard such events and then will write comments. For such an occasion, one day is enough.
An interesting idea with elements of the game looks interesting.
Can be used such childhood games:
- cities but instead of city names will be discussed niche topics;
- verbal battles, when readers offer their shorter versions from the lengthy word suggested by the blogger;
- comic divination;
- “Guess the game”. Photo-games, in which followers should define a hidden fragment of a photo or the main background of the original one;
- creating a fairytale collectively: a blogger sets the beginning, and readers offer a sequel.
In this case, don't delay the game duration: enough for one or two days. And, of course, prizes and gifts are a trifle, but pleasant.
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Simple questions
It's often surprising that the audience is silent and the follower coverage has decreased. The fact is that many readers don't like to write and keep silent. For such calm people, you can offer simple questions with “yes” or “no” answers and ask them about their hometown, weather, or simply suggest to put some approving sign in the comments.
The presented schemes are only a guideline. You can effectively use all ideas by adapting them to your needs and target audience. If you don't forget to answer your readers, play with them, discuss all the interesting moments, then all the work with the engagement of your fans will bear fruit.
Involvement is made up of likes, comments and post saving. The more these indicators, the higher is coverage. Want to increase engagement — publish good content.
Conclusion: an account with good engagement, with activity in the comments section, with dialogues and discussions is more trusted because it's immediately clear that people there are real.
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