More likes on Instagram publications |

Likes in Instagram are an indicator of the popularity of a publication or channel. How to attract the audience’s attention and earn likes?
Instagram is not just another social network for communication, but also it has an excellent target audience for doing business. Ranking of publications directly depends on their popularity. The most important indicator of popularity are likes, so if you want to see your posts on top, you should have as more likes as you can. How to attract interest to your publication?
Format and content
First of all, quality and professional publications should have an interesting headline. A title is the first key-point, and it helps a person decide whether he will read the publication in full or just scroll through it. Also the title should be truthful and correspond to the content; you must avoid clickable headlines. Instagram does not moderate headlines, but there is no point to lie to the readers. You know, rumors of dishonest attraction of views and likes spread quickly over Instagram.
The time of photos taken rapidly with a Chinese smartphone is in the past. Nowadays only professional photos with competent processing can be interesting for users and clients. Programs and applications for processing will not make your photo perfect, but can significantly improve its common quality. Marketers give advice to treat photos for Instagram as works of art. Today it is the only way of making them really popular. If you want, you can experiment with collages, but don't forget that all its elements must be competent and high-quality.
Initially, Instagram was conceived as a network for publishing photos. But it became clear soon that the publication text had considerable value also. Now It should be no longer than 2000 characters, with rather simple language and have practical value. So, some minds and emotional statements on various topics will be interesting only for your friends and relatives, but useful content for sure will attract new readers. Avoid colloquial style and, especially, obscene language. It will take a long time to retrieve your own reputation.
Use hashtags because they are essentially keywords. It is recommended to give preference to low-frequency and mid-frequency inquiries: so there is a chance to attract more and more potential customers. The optimal number of hashtags for a single photo is 3-5 pieces, a larger number can be perceived as spam.
Informal human communication
Like is a symbol that the publication is interesting for users. But you need a comment before starting a dialogue. It is considered good form to write a small comment with putting like.
Subscribe to popular channels and accounts and chat in them. If you can be interested for readers, they for sure will subscribe to you.
Correctly choose the time for publication. Marketers have determined that the largest number of likes receive publications made in a range from 18:00 till 22:00. Popular publications often appear on weekends or public holidays.
Regular posting is higly important for instagram accounts. 1-2 news per day will be the best choice. If you abandon maintaining your account for a few days, the audience’s interest will decrease. Be active for several hours after publication: put likes and comments, communicate with your readers.
For attracting additional audience, post a link to the publication in other social networks. Part of the subscribers who bring likes will come from there.
Conduct contests and promotions for attracting new subscribers. If you reach a larger user audience, you will get more likes as a result.
Other ways to get likes
You can use special applications, for example, Matez to get desired likes . This program mechanism is simple: you put likes under other users publications, and use the earned points to promote your own publications.
Check out #lfl (like for like) hashtags, #likeforlike or # like4like. Not every user will like you in a back, but a number of likes you provided. Keep in mind that you can leave no more than 60 likes per hour, otherwise you will be blocked for cheating.
Set up targeted advertising. This is a great option for thematic instagram accounts. You can buy likes for real money by creating tasks on specialized exchanges. If you are considering the option of an integrated advertising company, it is better to contact a specialized SMM-agency.
Write on Instagram: regularly, interesting and useful. And “|likes” will not keep you waiting