How to remove foreign followers from your Instagram page |

In pursuit of quantity, we shouldn't forget about quality. From such inactive users who take absolutely no part in your Instagram page's life, you'll receive more harm than good. The impressive part of "extra" readers are usually foreigners. What are the disadvantages of such subscribers?
- Foreign users often don't like and comment on posts. Usually, they don't even understand the meaning of posts because of the language barrier.
- Single comments often represent ordinary spam and only prevent communication with interested people.
- Due to a large number of foreign followers and “blank” comments, real and active readers can unfollow your profile.
- “Smart” feed reduces the coverage of pages with a large number of inactive followers, placing such profiles in the category of “uninteresting”.
- Foreign users in subscribers often interfere with tracking statistics and dynamics of a real audience.
Then, in your head immediately arises a logical question about how to prevent and fix all of this. The above factors spoil your page statistics, repel real followers, prevent your account from developing and attracting advertisers. Getting rid of unnecessary subscriptions manually is quite long and difficult. For pages with hundreds of thousands of readers, the cleaning process seems almost unreal. But special services, such as SpamGuard, come to the rescue. The program will help you quickly and easily remove followers and protect from spam in the future. In just a few minutes you can significantly improve page statistics without spending a lot of strength and nerves on it.
How to remove foreign followers using SpamGuard
Let us examine in more detail the stages of deleting foreign subscribers on Instagram using the SpamGuard service. The first step is to register. Enter your email address and write a password to access the site. After confirming the specified data by clicking on the link sent to your email address, you can immediately use all the services.
To begin the cleaning of your profile of unwanted followers, add your Instagram account where will be a “general cleaning”. Click on the green plus at the top of the screen. It's allowed to add several profiles at once, limits are not set. But analysis and cleaning can only be done in one account at a time. The cost of work increases in proportion to the number of pages.
In order to add a profile, you will need to enter your nickname and password. There is no need to worry about the safety of this information. The service doesn't allow its distribution, doesn't store it in the open form and only uses to access the Instagram API. Before adding the profile, you must log out of your account in other apps and disable two-phase authentication, if it has already been connected.
Instagram will ask to confirm the actions and access through a third-party service using the security code sent to your phone number. Don't worry! After entering the specified combination of numbers, your profile will be available for entering.
Select the type of analysis. The SpamGuard service offers its new customers the opportunity to use the test version. In this case, 30% of followers and subscriptions (but not more than 1000 users) will be worked out. You can immediately conduct a full analysis by choosing a convenient package of services (from 7.03 dollars) and a payment method. Please note that when using the test version, you cannot enable automatic account protection.
Next, you need to confirm your profile in the SpamGuard service. For this, a new confirmation code will be sent to your phone, which must be entered in a special field on the screen. Be patient. The profile verification process can take several minutes.
After completion of the previous stage, you need to select the necessary settings for a successful analysis. At the same time, the service analyzes your profile for the presence of "extra" subscriptions and subscribers. The speed depends on their number. After completing the work with the parameters, you must click on the start button to begin the cleaning process.
You can choose to work with several categories of followers at once. We are interested in foreign readers, so the choice was made in favor of the last point.
SpamGuard carefully and thoughtfully approaches the work with followers. You can delete or leave accounts based on their language group. This feature is useful for customers who want to leave readers from specific geographic regions. Also, you can leave in your followers' list any profile by defining it to the exceptions list by one click. Automated service operation doesn't exclude the possibility of making, if necessary, some corrections manually.
In the end, you need to decide on how to clean your account, depending on the speed of the process. There are several options:
- standard cleaning with the default limit;
- daily unsubscription of the number of followers specified by the client (the specific figure is indicated in a special window);
- removal of a certain percentage of readers from followers (the algorithm calculates the required number based on the percentage specified by the user).
The above options allow you to effectively save your account from "extra" followers without losing coverage due to the sudden users' unfollowing.
Once again, be patient. Profile cleaning will take some time, especially for owners of popular accounts. After the end of the service work, you'll receive the corresponding letter to the previously specified email address. In case if you'll suddenly change your mind about profile analyzing and cleaning or want to adjust the settings in any way, there is a button to stop the process. Click on the command, make the necessary corrections and start cleaning again.
The SpamGuard service can also automatically clean your profile without the need for your participation. To use this function, you need to enable the protection by clicking on the corresponding button. The option is available only after the page analyzation.
SpamGuard is a useful tool for developing your profile on Instagram. It offers effective cleaning and protection from unwanted subscriptions and subscribers. The service allows you to get rid of commercial and inactive accounts and bots, to remove unnecessary comments and significantly improve statistics. Particularly relevant is the proposal for profiles with a large number of followers and subscriptions because manual multiple accounts cleaning can be a real problem. SpamGuard will help to quickly bring your profile in order (and comply with it in the future) while saving time and effort. Your page will again become a live, active and interesting for advertisers. In addition, spam in comments will no longer prevent your communication with real followers.