How to protect your profile from the attention of foreigners? |

One of the serious problems faced by a blogger or owner of a commercial Instagram account is foreign followers. Let's talk in more detail why such users are harmful and how to get rid of them.
Why are foreign subscribers bad for your page?
Instagram is a social network focused on the visual part. However, users come there not only to consume content but also to communicate or even create it themselves, sharing interesting moments from their lives with the help of photos and short videos.
Commenting is an integral part of Instagram.
Basically, Instagram communication happens when someone comments on a photo or video of a user he follows. Moreover, such commenting takes place in the language of the country in which the follower lives (for USA and Canada this is mostly English). If among the commentators will be many users writing in a foreign language, most likely, the English-speaking audience will begin to show less interest and activity over time, leaving few comments or not leaving them at all. The worst possible option — unsubscribing. This is the main danger when there are too many foreigners among your followers.
The presence of such users is not contributory to the promotion.
Where do foreign followers come from?
They can appear on your account in several ways.
- The natural way. It so happens that Instagram algorithms recommend English content to foreigners, starting from their interests. In this case, a person follows the account, despite the language barrier. He does this for the sake of photos and videos, and not for communication. However, over time, such a follower may begin to show undesirable activity, leaving comments in his native language.
- Mass following result. During the mass following, the page owner massively follows some account followers. Usually, they also do it in response. The work is voluminous and there is simply no time to study every single page for whether its owner speaks English. Therefore, as a result of such actions, there may be a certain number of foreign users among followers who don't speak English.
One of the reasons why on your page are too many foreigners is mass following.
- The side effect of auto-promotion. When promoting an Instagram profile through automated services, foreigners often get to the account. This most often happens when selecting an audience by hashtags: popular tags are used not only by English users, as a result of which people speaking a foreign language may appear in the search results of potential followers.
Hashtag audience searches can attract foreigners.
- Buying followers. Some novice bloggers or owners of unpopular commercial pages try to increase their conversion and attract an audience by buying subscribers. It's fraught with many negative consequences, for example, inactivity of the audience or the dominance of bots. Also, as a result of such a purchase, the profile will have many foreigners.
How to fight
There are two main ways to deal with foreign users who don't speak English:
- manually;
- using automated services.
Consider each of the options in more detail.
Manual removal
The mechanism for manual deleting of unwanted foreigners is simple: the account holder independently checks it for the presence of such people and deletes them. This is a complex, laborious, long and painstaking work. This technique can be applied if you have one-two hundred followers. If there are more of them, the procedure cannot be carried out physically.
In addition, the manual removal of foreigners has one significant drawback — after it, they can follow your account again. In this case, the work will have to be repeated.
Automated Services
The second way is to automatically clear your account from foreigners and other unwanted followers using specialized online services. One of them is SpamGuard.
SpamGuard Will Remove Foreign Followers.
It will help to get rid not only of foreigners who don't speak English but also from:
- bots
- other commercial accounts;
- inactive users who didn't perform any actions for a long time.
Before starting, you need to register.
To begin cleaning, you will need to sign up and add your Instagram page username and password.
In order for the service to work, you will need to enter your account information.
After that, Spamguard will analyze it and select candidates for deletion among your followers.
After registration, you can run account analysis.
The followers will be marked with green ticks. If you uncheck this box, the account will be added to the white list and won't be deleted. Once you figure out who needs to be excluded from the number of subscribers and who is not, you can begin the deletion procedure.
Results analysis.
When the cleaning is completed, you can enable protection mode. It will save your account from unwanted followers (including foreigners who don't speak English) by blocking their access to your page and the possibility of subscribing. This is very convenient, as it eliminates the need for repeated cleaning after a while.
Setting account protection from foreigners.
Often, among your Instagram followers accumulates a huge number of unwanted foreigners, who leave comments in their native language and scare away an English-speaking audience. In order not to harm the promotion, these users need to be deleted. SpamGuard online service will help you.