How not to attract bots and foreigners to your Instagram |

The ubiquitous Arabs, bots, and inactive users are useless ballast that kills profile engagement on Instagram. Below you will find out why they are subscribing to you, what will happen next and how to get rid of such an audience.
Why bots and foreigners subscribe to you
Let's see why foreigners write on instagram and bots are constantly subscribing. Sometimes this happens naturally. Sometimes Instagram algorithms advise people from other countries to content from Russia, based on their interests. Most often, such users subscribe because of beautiful photos; foreigners do not need to communicate. True, over time, a person begins to comment on posts in his own language and even activity in Direct is actively manifested.
Bots can appear in the profile due to mass follow. Use of this promotion method in 2020 is not recommended. Twisted accounts will not buy anything from you, they won’t leave likes and comments. Therefore, the only thing that will help you is cleaning the bots on Instagram.
In rare cases, a sharp attack by bots means that your competitors decided to cheat them on you. Perhaps this is how they want their own skills in the future to try to “match” their services. Or competitors know that Instagram can not stand bots and will delete an account with a wound audience without talking.
The negative side of trash subscribers
For 4 years, Instagram has been recognizing as popular those posts that are interesting to users and encourage them to interact. Now it’s important not the number of subscribers, but the quality of the content posted. Twisted bots have a negative effect on the profile. The consequences include:
- Decrease in presentability. People like to see who is following whom. They see that you have many inactive accounts. As a result, draw conclusions about the account.
- Low engagement. Such subscribers do not show any activity. Accordingly, the level of involvement is reduced. Cleaning subscribers on Instagram will improve the ratio of likes, comments and real users. This is the only way to promote your posts in the TOP.
- Unattractive to advertisers. Suppose you have a lot of subscribers. If someone wants to advertise on your account, he will first assess the quality of the audience. If the advertiser sees the dominance of bots and foreigners, then he certainly will not contact your services.
- The presence of spam comments. Bots prefer to write comments on posts that make no sense. This infuriates not only the owner of the account, but also its audience.
After getting rid of a useless audience, only one minus awaits you - the number of subscribers will no longer be as beautiful as before. But it will turn out to be true.
How to get rid of bots and aliens
If there are few bots, then cleaning on Instagram can be carried out manually. Getting rid of such accounts will not be difficult. Go to the section with subscribers and, in front of unnecessary profiles, click the "Delete" button. As you can see, nothing is difficult.
If it's necessary, bots can not only be removed, but also blocked. To do this, click on the three points on the account in the upper right corner. In the drop-down menu, select "Block".
Recently, classic bots are a thing of the past. There are such that it can be difficult to distinguish them from the real profile. Sometimes it happens that an inactive account is a real person who simply does not maintain his page, but wants to read you. In order not to delete such a user, just in case, look in the comments. Perhaps a person liked you or expressed an opinion on a particular issue.
Another option to increase the low Impressions with the help of cleaning bots - advance to write a post in which you inform subscribers about the coming-out "Cleanup". If you do not want to create a publication, you can use Stories. The best solution is when subscribers are tagged in the comments.
It is worth remembering that the same type of actions (this also includes mass unsubscriptions from different profiles) often bring the wrath of Instagram algorithms. Filters see suspicious activity and block the user’s page. To return it, the owner will have to prove for a long time that the account belongs to him.
If your account has too many bots, then manually deleting them will take a very long time. To solve this problem, our automatic SpamGuard service exists. In addition to getting rid of bots, it provides for work in the cloud, a constantly working spam protector and the ability to connect from any device. In addition, the service has a white list. All important accounts are placed in it so that they are not accidentally deleted. SpamGuard offers a free trial period.
The activity of bots is completely contrary to the ideology of Instagram. Social network puts quality on the first place. Therefore, algorithms constantly delete bots. Ways to combat them are improving every year. Of course, cleaning up bots and commercial accounts is far from all. You must constantly work hard on the quality of the content and control the traffic. Then the results will not be long in coming.