Audit Instagram account |

Audit - the formation of a clear strategy and action plan that you need to follow in order to attract more subscribers and better coverage indicators. in order to conduct a competent audit, you need to be able to use statistical data. However, being an expert is not necessary - in this article we will talk about the basic rules.
Definition of the current goal
The first question you should ask yourself: why do you need an Instagram account? Why did you start it? They can be very diverse. The most common of them:
- Increase in the number of sales;
- Image;
- Traffic for the site;
- Communication with customers;
Of course, each goal requires its own approach and its own content plan. Your account cannot be “for everything at once” - even if you created it for all these tasks, you need to focus on one thing. Otherwise, all the effort invested in the account will be wasted.
KPI selection
KPI is a numerical measure of activity that will help you organize and efficiently allocate resources. KPI can be considered any indicator that is measured in numbers. Depending on your purpose, this may be:
- The number of sales;
- Traffic on the site;
- The involvement of the audience;
- Account Coverage.
It’s worth focusing on just one thing, otherwise waste your energy. And this does not mean at all that you can close your eyes to the rest.
Appearance Rating
Do not forget that Instagram is made for people to watch. And they will look at your profile, evaluating first of all the big picture. When a potential customer enters your profile, he must cling to something in the first seconds, or his attention will be hopelessly lost.
Therefore, when evaluating your profile, you should ask yourself a few questions:
- How much time will a person spend to find out what we are doing?
- Are there any interesting accents in the design?
- How do we differ from other profiles of similar subjects?
You can correct the situation through the logo, and through the design of posts, and by adding a structured biography. The main thing is to give an evaluative look with which you can work.
Content Rating
Take, for example, the last 10 publications. Among them should be at least one informative entry, which one way or another will tell about your product or services. Absract yourself from your account as a whole and try to understand whether it is possible to draw a conclusion about what you are doing from the text from the descriptions and photos.
Think: is this content worth signing up for? What can he give your subscribers, and does he meet their requirements? What do people like about this profile and what not? What type of content do they like most?
And be sure to make sure that the content of your content is diverse, there are not only posts, but also stories, videos, live broadcasts. Count the amount of UGC, if any.
Customer Assessment
It is impossible to ignore such an important indicator as messages to direct and answers to questions. For a competent assessment, it is worth counting the number of all problems that clients have encountered and highlighting those that were resolved as a result of the conversation.
Another important indicator is the speed of response. This is especially true of messages that came to direct. Try to keep this figure to a minimum, even if you cannot solve this problem right now.
Peak points
Highlight all the photos, stories, videos and other types of content that has gained maximum reach or engagement. With such peak points, special work needs to be done - that is, an analysis of the strengths that can be used in the future. It is recommended to do the same with failed records - it will be much easier for you to avoid such failures if you know what should be avoided in work.