The Best Ways to Get Your Instagram Subscribers Talking |

It is not a secret that involvement in Instagram directly affects the ranking of posts in the feeds. The higher it is, the more your posts are shown to the necessary audience. And the more often publications are shown in the feeds, the more chance that users will see them, like them and follow you. It can take literally 10 minutes to achieve such a high involvement if you know the main secrets of the social network.
How to calculate ER on Instagram
Find out this indicator is possible due to special services (like LIVEDUNE, inserting a link to your profile) or to calculate the value manually according to the following formula:
ER = likes + comments / reach × 100
The standard level of involvement depends on the volume of subscribers: the more subscribers you have, the lower your ER is. For an account with a number of 1,000 people classic ER ranges in the amount of 7–15%. And for better-known variations, where more than 50,000 subscribers, the optimal parameters is about 3%.
How to increase the number of views and involvement in Instagram
There are many ways to increase activity and draw attention to your account. There’s confusion because of the plenty of such “secrets”, and some algorithms in practice don’t meet expectations. How is it possible to achieve a large audience in a short time and to keep its loyal readers?
Support feedback
Subscribers love it when their opinion counts. It is desirable that there was enough information to express their views on a specific issue in the post. Set the tone for the future discussion so that the maximum number of people can participate in the discussion. It reduces the most popular variations of such tactics to dilemmas:
- how is it better to hold an action with discounts or a drawing with small souvenirs;
- offer them to nostalgic for something, remember childhood or school years, the old standards of beauty;
- to ask their opinion about the last sensational event (show business, politics, movie premiere, etc.);
- to ask for advice with a description of any situation, ask for help with the choice, solution of your problem.
Don’t forget to open access to comments and set up an open profile. Also, try to combine the text and theme a photo or picture in the post. You also can do otherwise – to express your own views and so instigate controversy and lively discussion in response.
Hold a comment contest
Preparing a good gift, you can raffle it among the readers — such a move always attracts new subscribers. The technique of selection is very simple: everyone who left a comment (or several, depending on the conditions) under a certain post takes part in the drawing. So you can select the winner using the apps developed for Giveaway.
Planning to increase the involvement, you can ask to write a comment, leave a “+” or some smiles, assign yourself a serial number, like, subscribe and even tag their friends. It all depends on the desires of the organizer of the mini-contest. But it is important to remember that the fewer requirements there are, the more willing people will unsubscribe under the post. And to have the huge number of comments, you can allow leaving as many comments as they want, because it is beneficial to everyone. Participants increase their chance of winning with such activity, and the account holder increases attendance and often shows the post in the feeds.
Hold a contest for the most active subscriber
Offer an original prize to the person who most often participates in discussions. Many well-known bloggers or accounts of cosmetic companies choose the most active subscriber every month. As a rule, constant activity is more difficult to show than to leave a short comment in the post. So the gift in this contest should be more serious than in the usual draw (50–70% discount, jewelry, travel certificate, etc.). The more valuable the prize is, the more active the participants will be, and this will benefit from promoting your profile. You can count activity in different ways:
- to put likes;
- to write the answers in the comments;
- to tag friends under the post;
- to stay subscribed all the time;
- to view stories.
In advance, write down on what indicator the leader will be selected. For example, who left the most likes number in a week or unsubscribed under each post since the opening of the profile. To know exact statistics and take stock will allow special services like Giweawation.
Find the perfect time for publications
Choose the most appropriate time for publishing. How long will your post show in the feeds depends on the activity in the first hour after publication. More people will notice it, and the probability of getting likes and comments will increase several times. You can calculate the best time yourself: view your own statistics for the week, month or year, on the basis of which print the average value. Consider the location of users and the difference in time zone, if your potential auditory spans multiple countries.
You can make it easy. Use special services like Popsters. This portal shows the successful publications made at a specific time in relation to the rest of the posts, then forms the final result as a percentage and builds a schedule of recommendations for the release of new posts.
Get rid of bots
Deceptive maneuvers to create an imaginary popularity don’t meet expectations. Users have learned not only to quickly identify cheating, but Instagram itself hides such profiles from the lists of recommendations.
Engagement rate is based on all subscribers of your account. To increase ER, you should get rid of bots and inactive profiles, and sometimes even profiles-shops. You can calculate them manually, but it’ll take a lot of time, so it’ll be much more efficient to carry out screening using SpamGuard;
It will allow in the shortest time to identify and remove inactive subscribers and bots on a given list. But it is recommended to do this in a few visits, otherwise, clearing your account from inactive users at a time, you can dramatically reduce the organic coverage.
Announce your posts in Stories
Stories are published at the top of the feed, so they get more views. Therefore, the option to attract the attention of subscribers by publishing in stories (announcement of the upcoming post) is a great idea. Moreover, the recent update of the functionality allows you to even insert an active link with the transition to the post itself and decorate it with animated stickers. In the story you can tell about the most important news:
- description of a new product or service;
- the start of drawing of valuable prizes;
- invitation to participate in the discussion;
- useful infographics;
- an announcement of the transfer, the closure of something.
It is important that the upcoming post was useful to the target audience. Try to combine photos and text with each other as well as possible. Some posts go well to random readers (they comment and like these posts), but they don’t subscribe to the account. It is important to control the quality of content and always have something interesting in stock to keep the attention of the users.