Instagram bot recognition |

Individuals who are just beginning the path of learning about this social network may be puzzled by the fact that an independent increase in subscribers, the absence of any action on their part, is not so good. The development of any blog directly depends on the reach, which shows subscribers’ reaction to a certain profile and everything connected with it (publications, stories, live broadcasts).
The presence of bots on your page will not help increase the aforementioned, accordingly, your blog promotion will not only not improve, but will most likely decrease.
For preventing this from happening, you must timely identify "uninvited guests" and restrict their access to your profile.
Main differences between the bot and the live profile
Direct interaction method with an object, proposed by Alan Turing, a mathematician from Britain in the middle of XX century, takes much time and effort. It is much faster and more convenient to operate according to Sherlock algorithm, which consists in creating a "criminal" portrait.
There are four fakes groups:
1. Bots that are run by dishonest advertising companies wanting to create a “nice” number of subscribers.
2. Participants of job exchanges offering to subscribe for a small monetary reward.
3. Well-known bloggers and business accounts, which, from other side, can be useful. Most often, these individuals appear in your blog as a result of massive "attack" in the form of subscriptions.
4. Mass following, which allows you to invite a person to your promoted profile. But even with this, you must be extremely careful, since thanks to such actions you can get banned.
How to recognize bots quickly
Recognition of followers cheat lovers:
1. Typically, such accounts have a nickname consisting of randomly typed characters or their inherent type of activity (in particular, these include business accounts).
2. On their pages it is difficult to find real life photos.
3. Many ads.
4. Profiles of such "cheaters" have many subscribers.
But despite the above signs, it is worthwhile to personally analyze the profile, because the likelihood that this is a real profile is not excluded.
But how not to kill a huge amount of time checking and deleting bot profiles? The answer is simple – using specially equipped services. For example: GetpapaBot web utility located on Crelab blog, and @getpapabot robot located on Telegram social network. For using it you only need:
1. Write a personal email.
2. Give your Instagram profile address.
3. Pay for this analysis, in accordance with an amount of followers in your account.
4. Pick up a file with statistics, which includes sorting and analyzing profiles in a personal subscription database. With it, you will also receive scv text format and data files.
Using them is not that difficult.
1. First, separate those accounts that you are interested in, prominent customers and immediately sort those accounts in which the number of subscribers exceeding 1000.
2. Next, we send this blacklist to a program with mass blocking (for removing fakes, you can contact One Million Likes, where, having indicated a necessary action, the nickname of your personal page, we will collect a minimum number of subscriptions (non-subscribers!) For the profile).
For sure, the likelihood that an account with more than 1000 subscriptions will turn out to be real is quite high. But for blog development, the benefit from it will be minimal, and whether it will be at all is unknown. Indeed, with a large number of subscriptions, the percentage that your story or publication will be viewed by this particular user will be small. This profile will continue reducing coverage.
But if there are people among them who really follow you as a person, just ask them to notify about it.
Whether to hit bots or not?
Nowadays, social networks are increasingly paying attention to relevant content and user behavior, so various cheating kinds will eventually turn into a problem for you. It is advisable to fight bots as often as possible, abandoning methods that will only harm your blog.